The handbag industry is a highly competitive one. The growth of handbag sales exceeds that of any other women's fashion accessory. As high-end fashion accessories, handbags have an extremely short life cycle as new, fresh designs keep replacing the old ones. Fashion favorites include handbags with vintage designs, beads, sequins, embroidery etc. Handbags are also manufactured from faux fur, tweed, wool, canvas, and other unconventional materials.
Designers conceptualize the design of a fashion handbag, and the material is finalized upon. Skilled craftsmen set to work on the allotted design. The material is chosen according to the utility of the handbag. Buckles, zippers, magnetic closures, drawstring closures or clutch mechanisms are used to increase their utility
After the initial processes of cutting, assembling etc. are complete, the handbags are given a final finishing touch depending on the material used. Fashion handbags are available in many designs. Handbags are manufactured with the latest technological machinery available, but they are also handmade.
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