Gone are the days when only three or four pair of shoes were enough for you. Different situation and different occasion require shoes of different nature and design. Women shoes are no longer looked as bare necessities. It has become the status symbol for them.
Embroidery is now not only limited to sari, skirts, tops and bags. There is a variety of embroidered shoes available in plethora of colors and design. Women embroidered shoes is the need of hour for those women who seek style, fashion, and comfort all three in one. Every women want to have these shoes in their shoe case. Perfect for all type of festivals, parties, and wedding ceremonies. Embroidered shoes are best matched with salwar suits, lehenga, saris. Magnificent embroidered shoes definitely adds to your personality and impression in front of others. This ethnic footwear comes in dynamic colors, vibrant designs.
Embroidery on shoes can be of different variety and touch. From plain and simple to intricate patterns and designs. Shoes embroidered with different types of multi color silk and satin threads and beads in various patterns. It gives elegant touch to your feet. Bead work consists of sequins, beads, metallic and an array of stones, crystals etc.
Embroidered Designer ShoesThe embroidered shoes are known with different names depending upon the regions. With a slight difference in embroidery, designing and shape they are known to us with variety of names. These are known as Majori, juttis, Nagras etc.
These embroidered shoes are made with high quality exclusive materials which increases your comfort level. The materials mainly used are
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